NG Firewall F800

Barracuda NextGen Firewall F800

Pret lista recomandat producator :

Barracuda NextGen Firewall F800, cod produs #BNGF800a:  – Euro ,

NG Firewall F800

  • 19.6 Gbps Firewall Throughput
  • 7.3 Gbps VPN Throughput
  • 6.5 Gbps IPS Throughput
  • 2,500,000 Concurrent Sessions
  • 150,000 New Session/s

Barracuda Networks NextGen Firewall detalii generale:

Barracuda NextGen Firewall F-Series este o familie de echipamente hardware si device-uri virtuale  proiectate sa protejeze infrastructura, sa imbunatateasca conectivitatea site to site si sa simplifice administrarea tuturor operatiunilor in retea. Barracuda NG Firewall F integreaza un set de functionalitati si tehnologii ce includ: identityaware Application Control, intrusion prevention, web filtering, antivirus, anti-spam, si Network Access Control. In topul acestor functionalitati Baracuda NG F ofera si un sistem sofisticat de tip sand box prin intermediul serviciului Barracuda Advanced Threat Detection. Functionalitatile Barracuda NextGen Firewall seria F de site to site management  optimizeaza atat performantele la nivel de WAN cat si disponibilitatea retelei. Administratorii de retea pot controla rutarea la nivel de aplicatie si pot face prioritizarea traficul prin mai multe linkuri si tunele si in functie de tipul de trafic.

Management centralizat pentru zona enterprise

Cu modele hardware ce acopera necesitatii pentru organizatii mici pana la enterprise, telco si datacentere si echivalentele in varianta virtuala, Barracuda NG Firewall F sunt proiectate sa ofere si un management centralizat pentru managementul securitatii, a continutului, managementul traficului si a politicilor in toate retelele folosind o singura interfata. Acest control centralizat ofera o serie de beneficii ce includ:
  • Consistent security posture and policy enforcement across the enterprise
  • Real-time accounting and reporting across multiple gateways
  • Comprehensive history and rollback of configuration and policy changes across the network
  • Centralized version control of anti-spam, anti-virus, Web filter and network access control updates

Performanta, redundanta si securitate pentru retele distribuite

Seria F este proiectata sa ajute organizatiile sa faca o trecere foarte rapida si usoara catre aplicatiile ce pot rula in cloud si sa imbunatateasca productivitatea utilizatorilor in cadrul retelelor distribuite. pe langa partea de securitate oferita , se poate face si optimizarea traficului astfel incat userii sa aiba acces la resursele dorite indiferent unde se afla acestea, in medii publice, in mediii private sau cloud.

Securitate scalabila pentru enterprise networks

Retelele din mediul Enterprise devin din ce in ce mai mari si mai complexe si cu atat mai critice din punct de vedere al stabilitatii aplicatiilor de business. Barracuda NG firewall F este un tool esential de optimizare a performantei, securitatii si stabilitatii retelelor distribuite de tip enterprise.  

Avantajele oferite

  • Effective WAN Management
    • Application-based traffic prioritization across the WAN
    • Intelligent uplink balancing
    • Intelligent traffic reprioritization on uplink loss
  • Enterprise Readiness
    • Industry-leading centralized management
    • WAN optimization
    • Global WAN monitoring with Barracuda NG Earth
  • Scalable Security
    • Cloud Enablement and secure WAN Virtualization
    • Drag-and-drop VPN graphical tunnel interface
Barracuda NextGen Firewall F800
Model CCC 20×1 GbE Copper
Model CCF 12×1 GbE Copper + 4×1 GbE SFP
Model CCE 12×1 GbE Copper + 2×10 GbE SFP+
USB 2.0 2
Serial / console 1 [RJ45]
Firewall throughput 3 19.6 Gbps
VPN throughput [AES-128, NOHASH] 7.3 Gbps
VPN throughput [AES-128, MD5] 5.5 Gbps
VPN throughput [AES-128, SHA] 5.3 Gbps
VPN throughput [AES-256, MD5] 4.2 Gbps
IPS throughput 3 6.5 Gbps
Concurrent sessions 2,500,000
New sessions/s 4 150,000
Mass Storage
Type Solid State
Size 300 GB
SSD MTBF 1,200,000 hours
Weight appliance 28.7 lbs
Weight carton with appliance 34.2 lbs
Appliance size: width x depth x height 17.4 x 20.4 x 1.7 inch
Carton size: width x depth x height 26.2 x 23.0 x 8.9 inch
Form factor 1U Rackmount
Display Yes
Hardware crypto accelerator Yes
Cooling Fans
Power supply Dual hot swap, internal
Noise emission N/A
Operating temperature 30 to 105 °F
Storage temperature -5 to +140 °F
Operating humidity 5% to 95% non-condensing
MTBF [System]
MTBF > 4 years
Certifications & Compliance
CE emissions Yes
CE electrical safety Yes
FCC emissions Yes
ROHS compliant Yes
Power & Efficiency
Power supply type Internal
Power type [AC/DC] AC
Input rating 100 – 240 Volts
Input frequency 50 – 60 Hz
Auto sense Yes
Wattage / max. power draw 2x 400 W
Max. power draw 5 Amps.
Max. heat dissipation [W] 400 W
Max. heat dissipation [BTU] 1366 BTU
Energy efficiency [average] > 80%
Packaging Content
Appliance Yes
Serial cable Yes
Straight network cable Yes
Cross network cable Yes
Direct power to wall outlet Yes
USB flash drive for recovery & installation Yes
Quick start guide Yes
2x Barracuda L-shape rackmount bracket Yes
Barracuda rail kit Yes

1 Please consult section “Supported Barracuda Network Module Combinations”
2 Measured with 10GbE fibre ports
3 Measured with large packets (MTU1500)
4 Measured with TCP

Model: F18 F80 F180 F280 F380
Firewall throughput1 1.0 Gbps 1.35 Gbps 1.65 Gbps 3.0 Gbps 3.8 Gbps
VPN throughput2 190 Mbps 240 Mbps 300 Mbps 1.0 Gbps 1.2 Gbps
IPS throughput1 400 Mbps 500 Mbps 600 Mbps 1.0 Gbps 1.7 Gbps
Concurrent sessions 80,000 80,000 100,000 250,000 400,000
New Session/sec 8,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 15,000
Form factor Desktop Desktop Desktop Desktop 1U Rackmount
Dimensions (in) 10.8 x 6.4 x 1.7 10.8 x 6.4 x 1.7 14.9 x 6.4 x 1.7 14.9 x 6.4 x 1.7 16.9 x 13.0 x 1.7
Weight (lbs) 3.1 3.1 4.9 5.1 14.3
1 GbE Copper Ethernet NICs 4x1GbE 4x1GbE 6x1GbE 6x1GbE 8x1 GbE
1 GbE Fiber NICs (SFP) - - - - -
10 GbE Fiber NICs (SFP+) - - - - -
Wi-Fi Access Point - -
Max Power Draw (W) 45 45 45 60 60
Power Supply Single, External Single, External Single, Internal Single, Internal Single, Internal
Firewall  x  x  x  x  x
Application Control3  x  x  x  x  x
IPS3  x  x  x  x  x
Dynamic Routing  x  x  x  x  x
VPN  x  x  x  x  x
SSL Interception  x  x  x  x  x
WAN Optimization  x  x  x  x  x
Mail Security  x  x  x  x  x
Web Filter  x  x  x  x  x
NextGen Web Filter Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Malware Protection4 Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Advanced Threat Detection4, 5 Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Basic Remote Access Optional Optional Optional Optional
Premium Remote Access Optional Optional Optional Optional
Model: F400 F600 F800 F900 F1000
Firewall throughput1 5.5 Gbps 16.3 Gbps5 19.6 Gbps5 22.2 Gbps5 40 Gbps5
VPN throughput2 1.2 Gbps 2.3 Gbps5 7.3 Gbps5 7.8 Gbps5 10 Gbps5
IPS throughput1 2.0 Gbps 5.0 Gbps5 6.5 Gbps5 7.1 Gbps5 13 Gbps5
Concurrent sessions 500,000 2,100,0005 2,500,0005 4,000,0005 10,000,0005
New Session/sec 20,000 115,0005 150,0005 160,0005 250,0005
Form factor 1U Rackmount 1U Rackmount 1U Rackmount 2U Rackmount 2U Rackmount
Dimensions (in) 16.8 x 17.7 x 1.7 16.8 x 17.7 x 1.7 17.4 x 20.4 x 1.7 17.4 x 26.0 x 3.5 16.9 x 24.6 x 3.5
Weight (lbs) 18.8 18.8 28.6 39.6 44.1
1 GbE Copper Ethernet NICs 8x1 GbE (STD , F20 sub-model) 12x1 GbE (C10, C20 sub-models) or 8x1 GbE (F10, F20, E20 sub-models) 20x1 GbE (CCC sub-model) or 12x1 GbE (CCF, CCE sub-models) 24x1 (CCC sub-model) or 16x1 GbE (CCE sub-model) or 8x1 GbE (CFE sub-model) 16x1 GbE (CE0, CFE sub-models) or 32x1 GbE (CE2 sub-model)
1 GbE Fiber NICs (SFP) 4x1 GbE (F20 sub-model) 4x1 GbE (F10, F20 sub-models) 4x1 GbE (CCF sub-model) 8x1 GbE (CFE sub-model) 16x1 GbE (CFE sub-model)
10 GbE Fiber NICs (SFP+) - 2x10 GbE (E20 sub-model) 4x10 GbE (CCE sub-model) 4x10 GbE (CCE, CFE sub-models) 4x10 GbE (CE0 sub-model) or 8x10 GbE (CE2, CFE sub-models)
Wi-Fi Access Point - - - - -
Max Power Draw (W) 250 300 400 500 810
Power Supply Single, Internal (STD); or Dual, Internal (F20 sub-model) Single, Internal (C10, F10 sub-models) or Dual, Internal (C20, F20, E20 sub-models) Dual, Internal Dual, Internal Dual, Internal
Firewall  x  x  x  x  x
Application Control3  x  x  x  x  x
IPS3  x  x  x  x  x
Dynamic Routing  x  x  x  x  x
VPN  x  x  x  x  x
SSL Interception  x  x  x  x
WAN Optimization  x  x  x  x  x
Mail Security  x  x  x  x  x
Web Filter  x  x  x  x  x
NextGen Web Filter Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Malware Protection4 Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Advanced Threat Detection4, 5 Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Basic Remote Access Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Premium Remote Access Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
1 Measured with large packets (MTU1500) 2 VPN throughput using AES128 NOHASH 3 Requires Energize Updates subscription 4 Including FTP, mail and Web protocols 5 Requires Malware Protection subscription. 6 Measured with 10GbE fiber ports

Technical Specs

Firewall Firewall
  • Stateful packet inspection and forwarding
  • Full user-identity awareness
  • Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (IDS/IPS)
  • Application control and granular application enforcement
  • Interception and decryption of SSL/ TLS encrypted applications
  • Antivirus and web filtering in single pass mode
  • SafeSearch enforcement
  • YouTube for Schools support
  • Denial of Service protection (DoS/DDoS)
  • Spoofing and flooding protection
  • ARP spoofing and trashing protection
  • DNS reputation filtering
  • TCP stream reassembly
  • Transparent proxying (TCP)
  • Dynamic rules / timer triggers
  • Single object-oriented rule set for routing, bridging, and routed bridging
  • Virtual rule test environment
User Identity Awareness User Identity Awareness
  • Terminal Server Agent
  • Domain Controller Agent
  • Authentication – supports x.509, NTLM, RADIUS, RSA SecurID, LDAP/LDAPS, Active Directory, TACACS+, SMS Passcode (VPN), local authentication database
  • WiFi Access Point Authentication support
Intrusion Detection & Prevention Intrusion Detection & Prevention
  • Protection against exploits, threats, and vulnerabilities
  • Packet anomaly and fragmentation protection
  • Advanced anti-evasion and obfuscation techniques
  • Automatic signature updates
Traffic Optimization Traffic Optimization
  • Link monitoring, aggregation, and failover
  • Dynamic routing
  • Application-based provider selection
  • Traffic shaping and QoS
  • On-the-fly flow reprioritization
  • Stream and packet compression
  • Byte-level data deduplication
  • Protocol optimization (SMBv2)
Advanced Threat Detection Advanced Threat Detection
  • Dynamic, on-demand analysis of malware programs (sandboxing)
  • Dynamic analysis of documents with embedded exploits (PDF, Office, etc.)
  • Detailed forensics for both, malware binaries and web threats (exploits)
  • Support for multiple operating systems (Windows, Android, etc.)
  • Flexible malware analysis in the cloud
  • Drag & drop VPN tunnel configuration
  • Secure site-to-site, client-to-site VPN
  • Dynamic mesh site-to-site VPN
  • Supports AES-128/256, 3DES, DES, Blowfish, CAST, null ciphers
  • Private CA or external PKI
  • VPNC certified (basic interoperability)
  • Application-aware traffic routing
  • Network Access Control
  • iOS and Android mobile device VPN support
High Availability High Availability
  • Active-active or active-passive
  • Transparent failover without session loss
  • Network notification of failover
  • Encrypted HA communication
Central Management Options Central Management Options
  • Barracuda NG Control Center – Unlimited firewalls – Support for multitenancy – Multi-administrator support and RCS
Infrastructure Services Infrastructure Services
  • DHCP server, relay
  • SIP, HTTP, SSH, FTP proxies
  • SNMP and IPFIX support
  • DNS Cache
  • SMTP gateway and spam filter
  • Wi-Fi (802.11n) access point on selected models
Protocol Support Protocol Support
  • IPv4, IPv6, ARP
  • VoIP (H.323, SIP, SCCP [skinny])
  • RPC protocols (ONC-RPC, DCE-RPC)
  • 802.1q VLAN

Support Options

Security Options

Barracuda Energize Updates Barracuda Energize Updates
  • Standard technical support
  • Firmware updates
  • IPS signature updates
  • Application control definition updates
  • Web filter updates
Instant Replacement Service Instant Replacement Service
  • Replacement unit shipped next business day
  • 24x7 technical support
  • Hardware refresh every four years
  • Advanced Threat Detection
  • Web Filter
  • Malware Protection
  • Clientless SSL VPN
  • Network Access Control (NAC) clients validating client's workstation health status

NetSafe este distribuitor in Romania pentru: 

Fortinet, Juniper Networks, Barracuda Networks, Ruckus Commscope, Keysight, A10 Networks, Nomadix, Fidelis Cybersecurity

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Addresa: Bdul Nicolae Caramfil 71-73, Bucuresti, Romania, 014142

Telefon: +40 21 224139

Email vanzari: sales @

Email support tehnic: suport @

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